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Cloud Price Calculator

Product Subscription Customer Type Clients Price per Client Total Price
$0.00 $0.00
  Subtotal: $0.00
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GST $0.00
  Grand Total: $0.00
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All Licenses are for subscription licenses - and are required to be renewed at the end of the subscription period to ensure that the software will continue to operate for the following year(s) after the initial subscription period.

Volume discount is offered in price bands according to client numbers, and customer type. Anti-Virus start in units of 1. Additional clients are priced at the volume price level for additional clients, not the total cumulative customer client license count.

1 Premium Cloud does not include the Software Deployment or Windows Update feature of Software Updater. These are included within Ultimate Cloud. This is for Software Updater Cloud Win licenses.

2 Premium Cloud includes Monitor only components of Usage Stats, whilst Ultimate Cloud includes all components of Usage Stats.

3 Exclusively available only in the Ultimate plan.

Data Igloo is available for all Deep Freeze plans.

The service relies on the client PCs to have their clock set to the current time. If not, even with a valid subscription the service may not operate as expected.

Fully functional evaluation versions are available. Please make your choice carefully as no refunds are offered for change of mind once a purchase has been made.

Education pricing is offered to degree issuing institutions only.